
Oct. 26th, 2007 | 09:35 pm
From:: mirror_mind

lying on our backs between the strokes of night
a slow start turning us on
under warm blankets where sins are set loose
a warm and hungry touch, a bit shaking, screaming for more
it explodes within my core, blinds me, makes me forget
under layers of our desire I am forced to obey
but today I am not afraid...
I have been here already, I know how it feels
but tonight there is a different love-

my hands dont shake today, they just greed all they can
build up, push inside and then take it from you
as if gathering the scent from the warmth of your skin
so smooth and dark, your bare throat made to bite,
the long lithe arms and hands hotter than fire
just not to hesitate now, it was us who started it
I'm giving you all the poison you need
to let go, to want this

the air stirs as we embrace, it tingles so much...
I can feel him through you, riding down your breath
harsh and brutal, but afraid,
kneel down, fair love, and fill yourself with tears
we lost you somewhere on the way home
our malign darkness took your place for good
sin sweet beyond forgiving
and brief beyond regret

here now in my triumph where all things falter,
stretched out on the spoils that my own hand spread,
as a god self-slain on my own strange altar
I lie content...

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