- nekā pārsteidzoša!
- 22.4.07 23:55
You scored as Engineering. You should be an Engineering major! Engineering
92% Mathematics
83% Art
83% Chemistry
75% English
75% Sociology
67% Psychology
67% Linguistics
58% Philosophy
42% Journalism
42% Anthropology
33% Theater
33% Biology
17% Dance
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with QuizFarm.com- 2 kaukas saņemtsAtstāj kauko
- 23.4.07 20:01
Jā jā, dejotājs no tevis patiesi nekāds un teātris ar laikam neiet!Toties centīgs inženieris varētu arī sanākt!!! :D
- 23.4.07 21:40
nav ne vainas!:)