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Sunday, December 16th, 2012

    Time Event
    What if..?
    Baigās domās uzmācās ar What if..? What if it goes, what if doesn't, what if nobody likes, what will they say, why do I think like this ..? And so on.

    Es zinu, ka jāatslēdz domājamais. And just enjoy the moment. I can do that sometimes.
    Can't I?
    I think that some stuff from my past is still haunting me (I mean I let them do that..). And it comes to the thinking and thinking that I can't just enjoy, cannot not think, not be responsible for everything, not be in control. I wanna let go, let my brain just wonder, and my heart and/or other body part be in control.

    Will see where it goes.

    Current Mood: domīgs, bet velk uz labu
    Current Music: Passanger - Let Her Go

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