Man pašai savas cigaretes - Komentāri

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cm://laurie anderson23. Marts 2004 - 23:55
She said: It looks. Don't you think it looks a lot like rain? He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just. Isn't it just like a woman? She said: It's hard. It's just hard. It's just kind of hard to say. He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just. Isn't it just like a woman? She said: It goes. That's the way it goes. It goes that way. He said: Isn't it. Isn't it just like a woman? She said: It takes. It takes one. It takes on to. It takes one to know one. He said: Isn't it just like a woman? She said: She said it. She said it to no. She said it to no one. Isn't it. Isn't it just? Isn't it just like a woman? Your eyes. It's a day's work to look in to them. Your eyes. It's a day's work just to look in to them.

ar labu nakti :)
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