marvellous ([info]marvellous) wrote on February 4th, 2011 at 06:38 pm
Press "like" un zobu higiēnists
"IF YOU HAVE EVER SEEN ME DRUNK, PRESS "LIKE". If I get more than 20 it means I need help. Copy this status to see how much of an alcoholic you are"
Kā nospriedām - nē, šito ir bail rakstīt statusā. Kaut gan, patiesībā nav nemaz tik traki.

- Es šodien biju pie zobu higiēnista. Zobi sāp tagad kā pensionāram.
- Hahhaahah. Šausmas, ko tas higiēnists ar tevi ir darījis??
- Hahaha. Paņēma uz krēsla.
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