11 September 2013 @ 10:34 pm
How can we count them?
1. Upgrade knowledge base without losing our level of performance;
2. Increase preciseness, confidence and professionalism;
3. Achieve higher level of performance without losing spirit, passion and joy.

At first I have to say that I have understood task a bit differently. And I tried to think outside the box and it drove me almost mad.
To my mind these 3 things work hand in hand and I thought that I would have to present these my results on my own so I would almost mathematically-theoretically prove that from one of this point other two implies.

Knowledge is concept – like a gravity. You cannot see it but can only observe its effects. Person’s certainty is an essential element of person’s knowledge. For an example. If asked where the bakery is, one can say – “Well, I don’t know but I think that if you walk 4 blocks north, turn right and go one block, you’ll find bakery”. The question is – exactly how certain one must be about its belief to qualify it as knowing?
11 September 2013 @ 10:42 pm
Marvellous suns  
TL mūsu mērķu sarakstā nākamajam gadam 4.punktā iezīmēja random suņu būdu. Pierakstīja klāt "Marvellous suns". Es nosmējos un teicu, ka, ok, to prezentēs viņi, jo es skrienu uz skolu. Pēc 15min saņemu īsziņu:

- Ja līdz gada beigām būs 37 uzdevumi, tad tavam sunim mantiņa no manis. :D
- Haha, man laikam interesēs arī sīkāki paskaidrojumi, kā noritēja prezentācija.
- Tā arī to pasniedzu. Ilze sarkana nosmējusies. :)
- Haha, ģeniāli.
- I knooooow! :D