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Mikrorajona dievu meklējot - Laura. Rumānija. 2010.
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Laura. Rumānija. 2010.

I've been a volunteer for 3 months now. I can say that I passed my trial period well.

Yes, I did become a little bit more obsessed with stray animals, and turn my head after each dog.

No, I am not a vegetarian and I don't think I could ever be.

Yes, I've been called crazy and told that there are so many other good deeds that I could do, if I wanted to (like helping abandoned children or elderly people).

No, my house is not full of animals now, and I don't go around like people from the church preaching my cause and asking for money and moral support.

Yes, I think I became a better person.

I've done my first good deed and castrated two of the "bitches" from my block....tomorrow they will also be pest free. But this is like a star fish in an ocean. :)

I think my experience with animals (added to the experience I get just by walking out of the door in the morning) hasn't enriched my knowledge about them, their habits and diseases, as much as it enriched my knowledge about people. When I say this, I do not refer to the way people see animals and behave towards them, but to the way people are. We (Romanians) are very uneducated, frustrated and scared. The system is rotten, and as positive as I am in general, I don't see anything in the near future. Myself, like the majority of this country's population wait for tomorrow to see what will happen...it is well known that the lack of security can take away lives...unfortunately, this is what defines Romania in 2010.
User: [info]marule
Name: marule
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