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Mikrorajona dievu meklējot - December 4th, 2008
Ieraudzīt sevi no malas
Eh, vot šito man vienmēr ir gribējies - lai kāds mani tā pa īstam noraksturotu nebaidoties no tā, ka varētu sabojāt attiecības ar mani. Un to izdarīja Laura. Viņa to rakstīja savā blogā, varbūt ar domu, ka mēs to nekad neizlasīsim, bet tā kā pati kaut kad pasen iedeva mums linku uz to, tad nu - izlasīju gan. :)
Un, lai arī es zinu, ka tur ir rakstīta taisnība, tās lietas ko viņa "hate about me" tomēr ņem un iegriež kaut ko manī. Un man ir savi attaisnojumi, bet tik un tā.

Mara is a last year bachelor student in...I don't really know actually. It's something with culture and cultural relations - the idea is that she's studying Danish (Scandinavian culture). She is from Latvia, Riga. She is also an Erasmus student but just for one semester. So in about two weeks from now she will become another very good friend I have somewhere in the world and hope to see again in this life. I hate it when this happens, because I build very strong relations with people who I'm very likely never to see again in my life, but would like to have close to in special moments. I hope our roads will cross again because I really like her. She is just like me, not so keen on socializing and going out at night. The first thing we shared was peeing on the side of the road in the middle of the night on our way home from the center. We didn't have bikes back then so we got off the bus in a place we though nobody could see us. She told me then that she's very happy she can trust somebody here and share real life things not just artificial smiles. I liked that and it made me feel good. Through her I got to meet all these Latvian guys and get a sense of their patriotism. I always relate to her when it comes to the history of our countries and the mentality of people. Romania has a lot of social things very similar to the ones Latvians have...still they are somehow viewed better than us. She doesn't like to clean and I hate this so much - she never washed the laundry (me and Marketa wash hers too), she never vacuumed in the common areas and we have to tell her when she should buy something for the flat. Still she's very helpful when you ask her for something. She brought us the delicious Latvian candies when she went home during her holiday in October. I met her parents when they came to visit at the beginning of November - and they are nice people. She talks to me a lot about her boyfriend and what she would like to do with her life. She's a lost soul just like me and she would like to discover the world and travel, but not alone. She promised to visit us next semester after she passes her bachelor exam :)...I hope she will...I'm going to miss her and having her in the flat.
Senskandināvu dievu dzēriens medalus mājās gaidītājiem iegādāts. Tagad tikai noturēties, neatvērt un neiedomāties pašai pirms tam pagaršot.
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