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11:15 am



The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. The 0 end of the scale is where the concentration is increasingly acidic. Moving up around 2 is lemon juice and stomach juices. Then around 3 are vinegar, beer and cola. Next at 4 is tomato juice. Then at 5 is black coffee and rainwater. Followed by urine at 6. Pure water and human blood are at 7. After 7 the concentration starts to become more basic as it heads up the scale. Most biological fluids are between pH 6 and pH8, there are a few exceptions to this like stomach acid.

t.i. kuņģa skābe ir pakāpi jiftīgāka par kolu, tāpēc kolas Ph cilvēkam iekšķīgi nu nekādi nevar skādi nodarīt.
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