think tank - February 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 4th, 2009

[Feb. 4th, 2009|03:02 pm]
[music |aris - mad polar bear]

Ekspedīcijas "Ar ledusskapi aiz Polārā loka" gaidās:

location: near Nordkapp (Finnmark, Norway)

"Finnmark is a county in the extreme northeast of Norway. It's situated on top of the world.

The County consists of majestic mountains, fjords, large bird colonies, glaciers, barren coastal areas facing the Barents Sea, to more sheltered fjord areas and river valleys with gullies and tree vegetation."

Ir auksti, bet tāā gribas uz ziemeļiem! Liekas, tur valda tāds majestātisks miers, klusa daba un tālāk par šo vietu nekā nav - tikai Ziemeļpols, sasalums un leduslāči. Iedvesma, klusums un ekstāze.
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