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May. 10th, 2011|09:45 pm


i don't sleep very well when i travel. and as a result, i tend to be awake in cities when everyone else is asleep. that's where this album, and the pictures that accompany it come from. it was primarily written late at night in cities when i felt like i was the only person awake (or alive), a soundtrack for empty cities at 2 a.m, at least that's how i hear it. the pictures were taken on tour while i was writing the album. i wanted to show a different side of touring and traveling. a side that is often mundane, disconcerting, and occasionally beautiful.

tieši tādas pasaulīgas tirpas pārņem, klausoties mobija destroyed. galvā kā diapozitīvi mainās nesenās tallinas ainas, tajā trīs stundu nakts pastaigā bija kas nenosakāmi maģisks.
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