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Friday, April 21st, 2006

    Time Event

    Butthead: Ahhhhhh this sucks.

    Beavis: It's like, why do people make music videos? And why do they have to keep playing this music? Why? Why?

    Butthead: It's like, some guys get together and they suck and they make music and it sucks, then they make music videos that totally suck--

    Beavis: Yeah. It really sucks.

    Butthead: Yeah.

    sen zināma patiesība - beibes džinsās ar siksnu un nedaudz pliku vēderu/sāniem ir hawt :) starp hawt un "slat slat slat slat" robežām ir samērā daudz mainīgo un man jamos nav laika uzskaitīt ;)

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