
Life long story

6/9/15 10:22 pm - 09/06/2015

"So when I blew that flight and nearly got a re-ride, I was forced to look inside myself to try to figure out why I hadn’t been ready. Was I tired? Hungover? Not assertive enough at the controls? Too focused on the wrong things? No. The problem was simple: I’d decided I was already a pretty good pilot, good enough that I didn’t need to fret over every last detail. And it’s true, you don’t need to obsess over details if you’re willing to roll the dice and accept whatever happens. But if you’re striving for excellence—whether it’s in playing the guitar or flying a jet—there’s no such thing as over-preparation. It’s your best chance of improving your odds. In my next line of work, it wasn’t even optional. An astronaut who doesn’t sweat the small stuff is a dead astronaut."
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