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Saturday, November 10th, 2018

    Time Event
    esamības vieglums.

    Šis skaisti skan.
    Tikai diemžēl nekādi neiet kopā ar šodienu. melnā sestdiena. viena diena pakaļā.
    Darkness keeps chasing me
    Opening my eyes
    Seems like it gets harder sometimes
    Look at the skylight
    Would you mad at me if I tried running away to it in the night?
    I tried to fight
    But I'm not strong enough
    I just want you here but I also wanna be alone
    I don't know what I want anymore

    GRACE VANDERWAAL - Darkness keeps chasing me
    un Moonlight (!!!)

    Tur ir ļoti skaistas lirikas. Un viņa pati arī.

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