have a nice trip - November 14th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 14th, 2012

[Nov. 14th, 2012|04:44 pm]
mani ļoti intersē, kāpec LV gandrīz nav iespējams nopirkt kvalitatīvas tablešu kastītes.
vienīgās normālās ir pidarīgajā healthstore, kur vajag ne tikai paypal, bet arī pēc tam visu dienu sēdēt mājās
un gaidīt kurjeru :/
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[Nov. 14th, 2012|11:21 pm]
People often see others with great bodies,
who worked hard to get where they are,
and try to put them down by asking them what kind of drugs they are on.
I bet I get asked this at least a few times per month.
What am I on? I’m on the weight bench busting my ass while you’re on the couch.
I’m on a healthy diet while you’re cramming your ass with fast food.
I’m on the road running at 5am while you’re still in bed.
That’s what I’m on. What are you on?

aaaaa, skriet 5os no rīta varētu būt
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