have a nice trip - March 11th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 11th, 2012

[Mar. 11th, 2012|12:04 pm]
Kaut nu ātrāk pienāktu silts laiciņš.
Mēs ar A tā izreiposim apkārtējo smadzenītes, ka maz neliksies ^^
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[Mar. 11th, 2012|12:32 pm]
Visu dienu vazāju riņķī un netieku prom no
Normas Jean.. Now you're doing the waltz with your murderer.
Mediocrity is the killer.
You find yourself helpless.
Christ is not a fashion, fleeting away.
He laid emeralds in her eyes,
But I'd already tried a braclet made of gold
And a scarlet thread around her wrist.
Everything was wrong so we sang sentimental songs
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