have a nice trip - March 3rd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 3rd, 2011

[Mar. 3rd, 2011|09:03 am]
Ok, jasna. Šodien laikam raudāmā diena.
Paskatījos uz pacientiņiem palika žēl. Īpaši to mēmo puiku
Kurš par spīti visam mēģina man pateit to sarno

Bija tāda laba bilde ar tekstu tipa " jokaini, kādam dzīve brūk kopā,
bet kāds dzer tēju čillā.
Mhm. Par šito tāpat kā par nāvi jau kopš bērnības aizdomajos diezgan bieži
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[Mar. 3rd, 2011|04:03 pm]
iegāju statoilā
lai nopirktu šokolādi un Glamour
mani piespieda uztaisīt extra karti
:D :D labi. kam man ir liels maks
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[Mar. 3rd, 2011|10:04 pm]
..."I've been around since the planet was inhabitable
I spit in the ocean and created microscopic animals
Which evolved into two species, the righteous and the cannibals
But until then, I had alien women suck me off
When God said "Let there be light", I turned it the fuck off
And that's the reason that the earth is only 5 billion years old
I made the sun shine, and permitted time to unfold
The surface was lava, but when I stepped down, it became cold
Fuck what you've been told"..

āāāāā! Mīlu viņu
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