have a nice trip - February 14th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 14th, 2011

[Feb. 14th, 2011|01:24 pm]
ķā vārdu "tālmācība" var uzrakstīt kā "Dalmācība"
ahaha bļed. Pedagogs ibio :D
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[Feb. 14th, 2011|09:37 pm]
Skatījos vecās bildes un padomāju
-tie rozā rozā garie dredi bija awesome

bet vēl reiz kko tādu darīt?
nemūžam. Ne rozā, ne blondus, ne īsus.
Krč nekādus.

ja būtu kāds, kas smui taisa d.e.
tad vēl padomātu par zili rozā un kādu mēnesi.

bet citādāk es pārāk izbaudu matus <3
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kāpēc mani velk uz tādu huiņu ? :D :D :D :D [Feb. 14th, 2011|10:02 pm]
A rich woman, Mrs. Li, is losing her attractiveness and longs for passion with her husband, who is later revealed to be having an affair with his younger and more attractive masseuse. In order to boost her image, she seeks out the help of Aunt Mei, a local chef. Mei cooks her some special dumplings which she claims to be effective for rejuvenation. From the very beginning, Mrs. Li was aware that Mei used unborn fetus "imported" from the abortion clinic where Mei used to work. She keeps seeking more potent remedies, until one day she is in luck: Mei had just performed a black market abortion operation on a schoolgirl five months pregnant who has been impregnated by her father. After Mrs. Li sneaks a look in the kitchen and sees the fetus, she is initially disgusted and runs away, but later comes back. Mei makes the fetus into dumplings, which Mrs. Li devours. This has a wondrous effect on her libido as she goes into the hospital and makes love with her husband.

filma dumplings :D
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