have a nice trip - April 1st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 1st, 2010

viens no mīļakajiem autoriem ever [Apr. 1st, 2010|03:53 pm]
Little aster

A drowned beer-hauler was heaved onto the slab
Someone had wedged a lavender aster
between his teeth
As I reached through the chest
under the skin
with a long knife
to cut out the tongue and palate
I must have bumped the flower, for it slid
into the brain lying alongside.
I packed it into the chest cavity
with the sawdust
as we sewed up
Drink your fill in that vase!
Rest in peace,
little aster!

[Gottfried Benn ]
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[Apr. 1st, 2010|06:10 pm]
Лучше йогурта по утрам
только водка и гренадин.
Обещай себе жить без драм -
и живи один.
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[Apr. 1st, 2010|07:52 pm]
tas ir briesmiigi
man liekas, ka man pat nav ar ko iedzert
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šodien kaut kāda verbālā nesaturēšana [Apr. 1st, 2010|10:34 pm]
[Current Music |Type O Negative - My Girlfriends Girlfriend]

es reizēm tiešām brīnos
tipa bildē puisis stāv ar kkādu milzu zivi
kuru tur aiz žaunām un apakšā komentārs
"iedevi zivij pa žaunu" es pat nez ir jāraud vai jāsmejas
tas ir tikpat episki, kā uz kkādas mājas sienas uzzīmētam rūķim uzpūst "pidars" uz krekla
vēl es tikko sapratu, ka kādu laiku man vairs neviens nestāstīs tizlus jokus
un nespēlēs klavieres, un es palikšu bez čillīgām dziesmiņām 6dienu rītos :/

p.s. kāda jēga no powerliftinga?
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