have a nice trip - December 16th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 16th, 2009

es neiebraucu [Dec. 16th, 2009|12:11 am]
[Current Music |Thick as Blood - 04 - Moment of Truth]

no kurienes tie visi pidarasi izrāva, ka hatebreed
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aye bitches [Dec. 16th, 2009|03:08 am]
[Current Music |vengaboys - boom boom boom boom]

ir 3:08 un tavietā lai steigšus pildītu visus atlikusos 456789 darbus
es bled jūtūbā meklēju gay dog, lai varētu iegrmt nostaļģiskās atmiņās par videni
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