have a nice trip - September 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 28th, 2009

[Sep. 28th, 2009|05:24 am]
Its easy enough to read the thoughts of a newcomer.
Everything seems beautiful because you dont understand. Those
flying fish, theyre not leaping for joy, theyre jumping in
terror. Bigger fish want to eat them. That luminous water, it takes
its gleam from millions of tiny dead bodies. The glitter of
putrescence. There is no beauty here, only death and decay.
Everything good dies here. Even the stars.
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[Sep. 28th, 2009|05:24 am]
Yes. But it was once the figurehead of a slave ship. That's where our people came from. From the misery and pain of slavery. For generations they found life a burden. That's why they still weep when a child is born and make merry at a burial... I've told you, Miss Connell: this is a sad place.
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:// [Sep. 28th, 2009|07:43 pm]
[Current Mood |90%, ka rīt uz skolu neiešu]
[Current Music |Chainsaw Disaster - Screams and Suffering]

travel channel stādā viens vīrietis, kurš visu laiku ēd buļļu olas dažādās valstīs
un katru reizi izliekas, ka tā ir pirmā reize un nebeidz vien atkārtot " cik garšīgi"
nu ja..
bad nahuj ir TIK auksti
mamā vakar uzzvanīja un jau pirmajā minūtē uzjautāja, vai neesmu sasaukstējusies, lai gan man vēl nekai izteiktie simptomi nav
un es naivi domāju, ka mamā nemaz nemana kad es pārpālī stavu un deklamēju savus monologus
ak es muļķīte
man ir uznācis sailgojiens pēc kāda normāla grind koncīša
bet tāda klaisska, ka nasum, vai torsofuck vai dying fetus nu krch
kko oldskuliigu gribas man, nevis b00tal

p.s. traki sāp mēle
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