The Mighty Ļipa!


20. Janvāris 2005

Tā es šodien jūtos... @ 10:07

Garastāvoklis:: Sweet too sweet
Mūzika: Depeche Mode "The bottom line"

Like a cat
Dragged in from the rain
Who goes straight back out
To do it all over again
I'll be back for more
It's something
That is out of our hands
Something we will never understand
It's a hidden law
The apple falls
Destiny calls
I follow you

Like a pawn
On the eternal board
Who's never quite sure
What he's moved towards
I walk blindly on
And heaven is in front of me
Your heaven beckons me enticingly
When I arrive
It's gone
The river flows
The wise man knows
I follow you

I'm yearning
I'm burning
I feel love's wheels turning

Like a moth on love's bright light
I will get burned
each and every night
I'm dying to(o)
The sun will shine
The bottom line
I follow you


[User Picture Icon]
Date: 20. Janvāris 2005 - 10:32
palasīju lirikas un speciāli distraktēju kolēģi no viņa darbiem, lai uzliek šo dziesmu ;)
nebiju kaut kā iepriekš īpaši jamo piefiksējis
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 20. Janvāris 2005 - 10:35
Man tagad viņu nežēlīgi gribētos dzirdēt...
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 20. Janvāris 2005 - 10:41
tev nosūtīt?
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 20. Janvāris 2005 - 10:43

[User Picture Icon]
Date: 20. Janvāris 2005 - 10:46
do mailadresi ;)
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 20. Janvāris 2005 - 10:47
(Link) nosūtīju!


The Mighty Ļipa!
