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[May. 24th, 2011|10:04 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Johnny Cash - Spiritual]

Ja es teiktu, ka ir viegli - es melotu...
Bet, ja es teiktu, ka nav tā vērts - es melotu vēl vairāk!

[May. 17th, 2011|10:04 pm]
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[Noskaņa |James Blunt - Calling Out Your Name]

"And cut yourself with your mistakes..."

[May. 16th, 2011|02:03 pm]
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[Noskaņa |James Blunt - Same Mistake]

"Give me reason but don't give me choice..."

[May. 12th, 2011|10:56 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Johnny Cash - Hurt]

"I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel..."

[May. 5th, 2011|06:04 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Dido - Here With Me]

"And I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me..."

Trakāk vēl kā piektā gadā [Apr. 28th, 2011|10:35 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Espen Lind - Army Of One]

Tā diena tuvojas...

[Apr. 25th, 2011|10:20 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Norah Jones - Back to Manhattan]

Man šodien Tevis pietrūkst!
Manā prātā Tu joprojām esi ar mums...
Un šodien es Tev "atdodu savu zvaigzni", ko izvēlējos sev bērnībā, lai tā turpmāk vienmēr atgādina par Tevi...

Dillemma [Apr. 22nd, 2011|12:11 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Johnny Cash - Spiritual]

Zinu veidu, ka nomierināt savu emocionālo pusi, bet tas atņems iespēju produktīvi veikt jebkādus mācību darbus...
Jāizvēlas - vai nu cīnīties ar nelabumu un mācīties, vai nu nomierināties un ņemt arī šodienu brīvu, kam diemžēl laikam būs tālejošākas sekas...
Ai, kā viss sāk krist uz nerviem, arī šādas izvēles...
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[Apr. 19th, 2011|11:45 am]
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[Noskaņa |Johann Strauss II - An der schönen, blauen Donau]

I wish I could dance all night long...

[Apr. 12th, 2011|11:29 am]
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[Noskaņa |Bryan Adams - Inside Out]

"Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated."
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A reason why people don't stay who they are... [Apr. 11th, 2011|09:32 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Patti Smith - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough]

"And there's a danger in loving somebody too much..."

[Apr. 11th, 2011|07:03 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Snow Patrol - Crack the shutters]

Pēdējā laikā "asaru vīriņš" pārāk bieži, ciemojas mūsmājās...

[Apr. 2nd, 2011|04:02 pm]
[Noskaņa |Coby Brown - Man Burning Down]

Saaugt ar zemu zāli...

Monday Mood [Mar. 28th, 2011|12:53 pm]
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Played the waiting game [Mar. 27th, 2011|11:59 am]
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[Noskaņa |Halliwell Geri - Calling]

"There's an ocean in between
Forever and never..."

“Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.” [Mar. 24th, 2011|07:47 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Nickelback - Savin' Me]

Lielāku skapi par 'drēbju skapi' sievietei vajag tikai saviem mainīgajiem garastāvokļiem...

Crying Like A Church On Monday [Mar. 13th, 2011|12:26 pm]
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[Noskaņa |New Radicals]

"...love me like Sunday again!"

I wonder if you know how it feels to let you go? [Mar. 12th, 2011|01:30 pm]
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[Noskaņa |Hurt - Stay]

"I could never find the words to say...stay!"
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Maybe there's no tomorrow [Feb. 24th, 2011|11:53 pm]
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[Dvēseles stāvoklis |...messed up!]

"Too stubborn to quit, too stupid to die."

Goodbye [Feb. 17th, 2011|11:31 am]
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"May a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest..."

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