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Friday, November 7th, 2008

    Time Event
    At the office
    If I look around now I can see some sort of greyish walls windows showing walls of other office building steel glass and concrete. So basically one could see the same sight from any other building in any other city anywhere. People talking in French, Italian, Spanish and English some sort of small talk just keep going on and going on. It is amazing office life is always the same coffee cups, talk about colleagues girlfriends and boyfriends, gossip related to newest promotions, checking email every 15 mins, talking on the phone and so on until the moment at 6 pm exactly when you leave... and once you leave things start happening an old lady asks where is metro station Suanzes, a car going very fast has to brake in order to let me pass, a cat appears somewhere round the conrner, you notice that there have been some new flowered planted in the park lovely and people at bars having evenings beer of wine...

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