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Thursday, November 6th, 2008

    Time Event
    Godigi sakot ir patiesam gruti veikt so pirmo zurnala ierakstu jo liekas ka pirmaja reize tacu vajag uzrakstit ko ipasu;)
    Tacu ka jebkuru sis vientulas planetas iedzivotaju mani nomac ceturtdienas vakara tikamais nogurums un saldas domas par botellon kura es piedalisos sestdien.
    Kas tad ir botellon?

    Botellón is a custom that takes place mainly in the Spanish nightlife that involves the gathering of a large number of young people between 16 and 24, fundamentally in open spaces with access to the free air, to drink beverages previously acquired in shops (usually supermarkets), to listen to music and talk.

    Ceru ka definicija jus ir parliecinajusi par notikuma izklaidejoso raksturu;)

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