
(no subject)

Feb. 25th, 2006 | 10:18 am
no :: elvis

svētdiena, 26 Feb 2006 - black

MARS opposite SATURN (0,4 degree) - MARS at 04 GEM 23
You may feel rather restrained and too disciplined by others at this
time. You may feel purposely held back from doing the things you want
to do. This can cause great frustration and great annoyance. Please
try to make the best of it and do not try to get even with them or try
to get back at them. The repercussions will only boomerang back to
you. If others do not appreciate you at this time, just realize that
it is best if you continue working hard, doing the best you can until
this combination of energies passes. This can be a stressful aspect
but do not fret and let it get to you and upset your health. Guard
against falls, bumps and bruises. Wait this aspect out and your
energies and freedom to do the things you desire will return. In the
meantime, work hard and stay optimistic. Express your frustrations in
a cool, calm manner. Don't keep everything inside.

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