biju kopēt dokumentus
Sep. 26th, 2008 | 04:28 pm
garīgais: bouncy
skan: let the bodies hit the floor
šodien biju pie tantes darbā. baigi labā vietā strādā - tiesu med. ekspertīzes centrā - morgā :) pat izvadāja mani pa telpām (nē,līķus nerādīja), visādus frīkus formalīnā aplūkoju, visāduss ieročus un ierīces redzēju...
kopumā interesanti.
kopumā interesanti.
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(you wanna see the light)???
Sep. 26th, 2008 | 04:31 pm
skan: emilie autumn
Everytime I start to believe,
Somethings raped and taken from me... from me.
Lifes got to always be messing with me.
Cant they chill and let me be free..
Somethings raped and taken from me... from me.
Lifes got to always be messing with me.
Cant they chill and let me be free..