(no subject)
Feb. 21st, 2006 | 10:03 pm
skan: nine inch nails
es esmu puslīdz šmigā.un man ir puslīdz ok.un skan Nine inch Nails.un man beidzot piezvanīja[sen jau gaidīju šo nenozīmīgo, bet man svarīgo zvanu].un man rīt iedeva brīvdienu.un rīt taisīšu otru profilu cibā.
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can you take me higher?
Feb. 21st, 2006 | 10:18 pm
garīgais: almost drunk
skan: NIN - help me I'm in hell
my blood wants to say hello to you
my fear is born again inside of you..
my soul is so afraid to realize,
how very little there is left of me...
and i want you
and i want you....
you are the perfect drug...the perfect drug...the perfect drug...
[NIN - the perfect drug]
my fear is born again inside of you..
my soul is so afraid to realize,
how very little there is left of me...
and i want you
and i want you....
you are the perfect drug...the perfect drug...the perfect drug...
[NIN - the perfect drug]
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(no subject)
Feb. 21st, 2006 | 10:23 pm
skan: NIN joprojām :D
laikam rīt pierakstīšos hiromantijas kursos.juhū!