Sarkanbaltsarkanie par jums - vienalga uzvara vai zaudējums!
Maijs. 9., 2010 | 11:55 am
No:: linduuuc
Man ik pa laiciņam parādās vēlme kaut ko sameklēt par latviešu hokeja faniem no kāda ārzemnieka skata punkta. Šo gan jau sen, sen esmu lasījusi, bet vienmēr stipri iesilda sirdi. Tā bez komentāriem.
This is what delineates the Canadian fan from a Latvian one. Canada is a powerhouse in hockey. We know that our team will eventually win the gold again. We have and we will. But for Latvian fan, the dream also rests in what has yet to be achieved. The dream of that gold, the pride of making it so far and knowing that there is more to come.
This is what delineates the Canadian fan from a Latvian one. Canada is a powerhouse in hockey. We know that our team will eventually win the gold again. We have and we will. But for Latvian fan, the dream also rests in what has yet to be achieved. The dream of that gold, the pride of making it so far and knowing that there is more to come.