skaistulis - June 19th, 2013
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June 19th, 2013
Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 11:19 am
pat ja es dikti lauztos svinēt Jāņus, which is not true, pirmdiena ir darba diena, tā kā pat virtuāla svinēšana nesanāk

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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 11:21 am
we need this semblance of control
a feeling that we can choose
a new hobby
a pet
a husband
a house
a magazine to read

because without it we're just a spec in this endless universe (or an endful one)

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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 09:45 pm
smuks paskrējiens ar sports-tracker
feinākā skriešanas mūzika ir Roxette 1986.gada albums Pearls of Passion, precīzāk piecas tā dziesmas tādā mid-eighties diskotēku stilā

kad izskrienu savus 2 ar pus un Turn To Me (nr.5) vēl nav izskanējusi, zinu, ka ātrums ir virs 10
which always pleases me

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