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skaistulis - February 12th, 2011
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February 12th, 2011
tās pšsšššššš vitamīnu tabletes, vai var mest vienā glāzē divas uzreiz? dažādas. mani interesē konkrēti c vitamīns un kalcijs :) |
these lazy days when you think it's only been a week, but how different it is now when i know we're ok these lazy days are like the best music, Fringe, thinking, a little food, cos my body still hates it, sunshine hitting the eyes, canceling my plans cos i don't like them it's like the best time ever me at my most vulnerable and me at my most powerful, me at my most beautiful Current Mood: , very content Current Music: kaut kāds afrikāņu tango |
tagadējais | palasīties | kalendārs | arkīviņš |