lost in heart ♥
lost in heart ♥
April 23rd, 2007
- slimīga melanholija
- 4/23/07 09:46 am
- Turklāt cik viss joprojām ir jocīgi. It īpaši jau vēl jo vairāk tāpēc, ka es par to nemaz neesu domājusi.
"I would like to apologize you for my Sunday behave. I shouldn't say all this "Mana milestiba" and "Es tevi milu", i know that you could feel uncomfortable. I have nothing on my excuse, so i can only say sorry and promise that i will behave better next time"
šodien es izskatoties romantiski. Nu nez gan. Pirmais ko šorīt es pamanīju - sirds klauves, kad gandrīz uzkāpu virsū šļircei pieturā.
Current Music: COMA - Fantasmagorie
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