You are viewing 20 entries, 40 into the past August 1st, 200712:20 am: Par attiecībām.
" The friends thing is important. Once you become friends with a girl, it's fucking OVER!" Man pārmaiņas pēc vajadzētu izmēģināt dating'u, nevis befriending'u. Lai arī šī doma automātiskajā izpratnē nešķiet dabīga, bet racionālajā šķiet patiesa. Vēl vajadzētu izdomāt, kā tikt galā ar problēmu, ka es nespēju parādīt savu īsto būtību lielākajai daļai cilvēku, jo šī būtība mainās līdz ar kompāniju. Es esmu nedaudz apmulsis savās personās. Current Music: The Black Mages & KAZCO - Otherworld (Final Fantasy X)
July 30th, 200709:39 am: Update-ish.
Starp citu, es tiku 28. no 27 Angļu filologu budžeta vietām. Current Music: Dave Matthews Band - Don't Drink The Water
July 25th, 200710:34 pm: pok·er n. One that pokes, especially a metal rod used to stir a fire. pok·er
Šodien tika sperts vēl viens solis tuvāk pokera vakaru rīkošanai. Varbūt šeit arī kāds interesējas par attiecīgo spēli? Current Music: Scorpions - Believe In Love
July 24th, 200703:59 pm: Jauns numurs.
Ja kādam nepieciešams mans jaunais telefona numurs, piesakieties komentāros un tas tiks darīts. Don't worry, anonimitāte garantēta !
03:07 pm: Well
So much for cool and mighty - aizmigu pret savu gribu apbrīnojamā ātrumā. Kaut kā 24+h negulēšana manam ķermenim nav dabiska. Lai nu kā - viss vēl nav zaudēts, gan jau es atgūšu savu normālo ritmu.
06:56 am: This sure is something else.
 Var teikt, ka šis ir galvenais iemesls, kādēļ pievērsu uzmanību Dave Matthews Band. Bilde ņemta no Live Earth 2007 ieraksta.
06:02 am: Man iet šādi:
-Vakar pierakstījos LU, kaut kur jau budžetā tikšu, vēl nevar zināt. [prioritātes iet šādā secībā: Angļu, Somugru, Āzijas & Psiholoģija] -Nopirku sev jauku mazu Sony Ericsson W880 - pagaidām labākā skaņas kvalitāte, ko esmu dabūjis ārā no jebkāda man piederošas, skaņu dvesošas ierīces - sweet. Plus, nedaudz piestrādājot, var arī tīri jauki skatīties seriālus/filmas ceļā. -Vakardiena sākās diezgan nepatīkami - ar dubultu piečakarēšanu [by Latvijas Pasts], kas gandrīz padarīja mani nespējīgu nopirkt jauno rotaļ-telefonu. -Man nāk miegs, bet es iešu dušā. Current Music: Rage Against The Machine - Township Rebellion
05:53 am: Cold Turkey.
Tā, jāmēģina ievirzīt miega režīms daudz maz normālās sliedēs. Pašlaik plāns ir nodzīvot šodienā līdz vakarpusei, pa vidu neguļot [vai minimāli guļot], tad, teorētiski, man vajadzētu pamosties vismaz ap pusdienlaiku un tas jau ir daļēja uzvara. Kā jums vispār iet šajā rītā?
July 23rd, 200711:06 am: Let's talk suicide.
( related )Well, lai jums šodien veicas! ;DCurrent Music: The Black Mages - Maybe I'm a Lion (Final Fantasy VIII)
03:27 am: And beer is my favourite.
You Are Beer! |  You don't need to get totally wasted when you hit the bars. More of a social drinker, you just like to have fun with your friends. And as long as the beer keeps flowing, you're a happy camper. But don't mix things up: "Beer Before Liquor, Never Been Sicker!" |
July 14th, 200702:49 am: I am starting to realize - I won't get friends here*.
Es sāku saprast - es šeit* draugus neiegūšu. __________ * SC
01:44 am: I got issues.
Hmm.. Varbūt aiziet kājām līdz Rīgai (22km).. [lasīt: lestat ir nogarlaikojies un meklē kaut ko jaunu]. Ieteikumi/padomi/anything?
July 12th, 2007July 11th, 200702:29 am: ctrl+c/ctrl+v: James Surowiecki: The Pirates' Code
" 'When Bob Dylan sang, "To live outside thelaw you must be honest," he probably wasn't thinking ofseventeenth-century pirate captains. Nonetheless, his dictum seems toapply to them. While pirates were certainly cruel and violentcriminals, pirate ships were hardly the floating tyrannies of popularimagination. As a fascinating new paper (pdf) by Peter Leeson, an economist at George Mason University, and "The Republic of Pirates," a new book by Colin Woodard, make clear, pirate ships limited the power of captains and guaranteedcrew members a say in the ship's affairs. The surprising thing is that,even with this untraditional power structure, pirates were, in Leeson'swords, among "the most sophisticated and successful criminalorganizations in history." 'Leesonis fascinated by pirates because they flourished outside the state—and,therefore, outside the law. They could not count on higher authoritiesto insure that people would live up to promises or obey rules. Unlikethe Mafia, pirates were not bound by ethnic or family ties; crews wereas remarkably diverse as in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films. Norwere they held together primarily by violence; while pirates didconscript some crew members, many volunteered. More strikingly, pirateships were governed by what amounted to simple constitutions that, in greater or lesser detail, laid out the rights and duties ofcrewmen, rules for the handling of disputes, and incentive andinsurance payments to insure that crewmen would act bravely in battle.(The rules that governed a ship that the buccaneer John Exquemelinsailed on, for instance, provided that six hundred pieces of eight would go (pdf) to a man who lost his right arm.) The Pirates' Code mentioned in the "Caribbean" series was not, in that sense, a myth,although in effect each ship had its own code.' (New Yorker article). " Izlasīts iekš Disinformation. Current Music: Seu Jorge - Starman
July 9th, 200701:58 pm: Just to make things clear..
( think of it as of canned meat, called SPAM )Current Music: Mike Oldfield - Incantations Part 4
02:23 am: They don't make them like this anymore..
Aww, mūsdienās viņi vairs nerada šādas reklāmas..Current Mood: Ha! Win386!
July 8th, 200707:24 pm: As long as I don't think about relating to other people, everything is just fine.
Tīri vienkārša iemesla dēļ ieguvu dažu dienu atpūtu no gandrīz pilnīgi konstantas fona mūzikas, lai saprastu, cik labi ir atkal atgriezties vidē, kur skan mūzika, kas patīk man. Current Mood: default Current Music: Estampie - Reis Glorios
July 4th, 200710:43 am: SPAM is a canned pork product made by the Hormel Foods Corporation that has entered into folklore
Vispār, es nedaudz lepojos ar to, ka neviens no maniem oranžā portāla draugiem pie savas atrašanās vietas vai iesaukas nav pielicis 'aiciniet, visus pieņemšu' vai tamlīdzīgi.
July 2nd, 200702:37 pm: Meh^4
Pamēģināju gulēt uz grīdas bez spilvena, tikai uz palaga. Iemigt un gulēt nebija pārāk neērti. Grūti bija atkārtoti iemigt pēc tam, kad pamodos ar nedaudz vairāk par minimālu enerģijas devu. Starp citu, es esmu atvērts random cilvēku satikšanai šodien un rītdien - pieteikšanās komentāros. Current Music: Nine Inch Nails - Piggy
July 1st, 200706:30 pm: 666+666/6
Man ir veiksmīgs krējums, kas jāizlieto līdz 07-07-07. Current Music: Nightwish - Nemo
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