
[info]lestat @ 06:20 pm: Lol, vegporn.
You've heard of green cars, green tourism and green weddings. Now Canadians should ready themselves for green sex.

For those who like to make love to the soundtrack of the global warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth,Greenpeace has released a list of strategies for "getting it on for thegood of the planet," suggesting "you can be a bomb in bed withoutnuking the planet." TreeHugger, an online magazine edited by Ontario'sMichael Graham Richard, has just published a guide on "how to greenyour sex life." The famed adult store Good Vibrations announced lastweek they would no longer sell sex toys containing phthalates,controversial chemical plasticizers believed by some to be hazardous tohumans and the environment alike.

And throughout Canada and the U.S., people who want to pleasure theplanet can now buy everything from bamboo bed sheets to organiclubricant and "eco-undies." ( article)


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