- The name of the pop group in the movie, Dezaato ("dessert"), is purposely romanized differently on various occasions throughout the movie: "dessart", "dessret" and "desert".
Director Shion Sono has confirmed that the production a third and final movie in the series, currently nameless, will soon begin shooting.
- A manga of the same title and written by Usumaru Furuya appeared at the same time of the movie's Japanese DVD release. AlthoughFuruya's intention was to faithfully reproduce the film's plot, SionSono asked him to write his own story. As a result, the Suicide Clubmanga is much more straightforward and easy to understand than themovie, and features much more solid character development. It dealswith the same opening scene, but there is a twist: out of the 54suicidal girls, a survivor is reported: Saya Kota. Her best friend,Kyoko, must now unveil the secret of the Suicide Club and save Sayafrom falling deeper into it.