
[info]lestat @ 08:51 pm: Respondez!
Beidzot arī dzejas stils/autors, ko arī es spēju izbaudīt.

Walt Whitman - Responez! Respondez!

(The war is completed-the price is paid-the title is settled beyond recall;)

Let every one answer! let those who sleep be waked! let none evade!

Must we still go on with our affectations and sneaking?

Let me bring this to a close-I pronounce openly for a new distribution of

Let that which stood in front go behind! and let that which was behind
advance to the front and speak;

Let murderers, bigots, fools, unclean persons, offer new propositions!

Let the old propositions be postponed!

Let faces and theories be turn'd inside out! let meanings be freely criminal,
as well as results!

Let there be no suggestion above the suggestion of drudgery!

Let none be pointed toward his destination! (Say! do you know your

Let men and women be mock'd with bodies and mock'd with Souls!

Let the love that waits in them, wait! let it die, or pass stillborn to other

Let the sympathy that waits in every man, wait! or let it also pass, a dwarf,
to other spheres!

Let contradictions prevail! let one thing contradict another! and let one
line of my poems contradict another!

Let the people sprawl with yearning, aimless hands! let their tongues be
broken! let their eyes be discouraged! let none descend into their hearts
with the fresh lusciousness of love!

(Stifled, O days! O lands! in every public and private corruption!

Smother'd in thievery, impotence, shamelessness, mountain-high;

Brazen effrontery, scheming, rolling like ocean's waves around and upon you,
O my days! my lands!

For not even those thunderstorms, nor fiercest lightnings of the war, have
purified the atmosphere;)

-Let the theory of America still be management, caste, comparison! (Say! what
other theory would you?)

Let them that distrust birth and death still lead the rest! (Say! why shall
they not lead you?)

[pilnā apjomā šeit]


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