

April 19th, 2006

12:38 am: .as simple as that.
You are .html You are versatile and improving, but you do have your limits.  When you work with amateurs it can get quite ugly.
Which File Extension are You?

12:42 am: .mail.
Tikko saņēmu vēstuli ar tēmu: Curso de defensa personal para miembros Un Partner Para Todo.. I don't even want to know.

Un jā, brīdinu - man var gadīties paspamot tuvākajā laikā.

upd: iztulkoju, ko tad īsti Curso de defensa personal para miembros Un Partner Para Todo nozīmē. Tas ir Course of self-defense for members of "Partner For Everything". Why in hell they think that I could be interested in self-defense courses in Spain?

Current Music: David Bowie & Trent Reznor - I'm Afraid of Americans
01:22 am: .now [info]aku should see this ;).
You are Windows 95.  You look better than your older brother, but your communication skills are still lacking.  You start well, but often zone out.
Which OS are You?

Current Music: David Bowie - As the World Falls Down
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