

February 24th, 2006

10:35 pm: .that's it.
Jātiek galā ar ķīmiju. Vai arī jāizvēlas cita aizraušanās.

11:02 pm: .The Sin Eater.
"Evil has many faces, child. Beauty is a trap, a weapon. It makes you lower your defenses. It attracts with beauty. Lucifer is beautiful, an angel. Were it ugly, evil would have no power. If you saw it in its natural state, you could not look at it. Evil is not to be born. The Sin Eater is evil, there is no doubt. He exists by taking the sins of the dead into himself. With each bite he takes off the body, another sin is erased. He will not, cannot stop, until he has eaten all the sins. He is evil, I tell you. You will not look at him, you will not speak to him. Should you see him, you will shun him."

11:22 pm: .saruna 2.
K:- Kāda ir tava mīļākā krāsa?
V:- Sarkana.. Arī melna.
K:- Bet mana ir zila. Man patīk zilā krāsa, jo saistās ar vasaru, ar gulēšanu zālē un skatīšanos debesīs. Es atceros, kā vasarā reiz biju uz vienu tusiņu, kurā bija dzīvā mūzika un viss bija tik forši - cilvēki dejoja, dzēra, priecājās Un tad es satiku vienu..
V:- Pagaidi!
K:- M?
V:- Kādēļ tu man jautāji par manu mīļāko krāsu, ja vēlējies stāstīt par sevi?
K:- Hmm..
V:- ..
K:- Laikam tādēļ, ka tu esi mans draugs...

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