November 15th, 2010

značit ar mani :D

Iesaku palasīt Johnny The Homicidal Maniac. Papildus galvenajiem nny izgājieniem ar cilvēku zāģēšanu ir tipa divi blakus stāsti no kuriem viens ir par Wobbly-Headed Bob

(Wobbly-Headed Bob is a depressed, conceited outcast with rodent-like features and a huge "freakishly overdeveloped" head. Bob believes himself to be the "ultimate being" as he is so smart, but is tortured by his own dark intelligence, and has an amazing knack for causing misery in everyone he meets. He meets cutesy, happy, ignorant, carefree characters. By showing them the horrifying reality which he perceives to be their life, Bob makes them miserable, often causing them to commit suicide, which he barely seems to notice.)

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