bija | January 31st, 2007 | būs
Witch-queen of Angmar [userpic]

January 31st, 2007 (04:56 pm)
garīgais: gruzīns klauvē pie durvīm
ausis glauda: Cataplus - Abendstille

Nelasīšu vairs Pink Floyd dziesmu lirikas...
Nežēlīgi depresīvi...
Gribas ielīst istabas tumšākajā kaktā un blenzt grīdā...

I have always been here
I have always looked out from behind these eyes
It feels like more than a lifetime
Feels like more than a lifetime

Sometimes i get tired of the waiting
Sometimes i get tired of being in here
Is this the way it has always been?
Could it ever have been different?

Do you ever get tired of the waiting?
Do you ever get tired of being in there?
Don't worry, nobody lives forever,
Nobody lives forever

bija | January 31st, 2007 | būs