15. Oktobris 2008

Nost ar inteliģenci

Lai dzīvo skaudra patiesība! Apzinos, ka datora neesamība uzlabotu manu smadzeņu darbību. Bet šodien svētki. Ibrahim Ferrer - Ay, Candela. No Cuban Essentials. Un skaips. Un ābols un divas tabletes vitamīnu. Bet nekādas šokolādes, bet izmazgāti zobi. Izmazgāti, nu kā vispār tā var pateikt.

Par Melnūdeni

No amazones komentiņiem: The pages are filled with more information than is needed. There are some interesting tidbits, but a lot of it is just biased or unnecesary. Its a struggle to stay interested in. Oh, and on page 97 the word 'Constructed' is spelled wrong. It is definately thoroughly researched, but aparently it includes evey word of that research, no revision to remove any excess fluff.

Augusts 2017

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