4. Marts 2005

Jau kaadas 2 nedeeljas muusu maajaas tagad ir arii fcuks! :)))

Kameer mazais maacaas pateikt "bai-bai, papa, mama", tikmeer seshgadiigais puika apguust vaarda "fuck" lietojumu ikdienaa..
Piemeeram, saruna ar maati pie vakarinju galda:

- I will not eat this chicken!
- Stop complaining and eat.
- No, I will not eat this stupid, stinky chicken. It's gross!!
- I'm warning you.
Puika ar dakshu saak dauziit vistas gabalu un placinaat uz shkjiivja sarindotos brokoljus.
- I'm counting till three.. if you'll not behaive you'll go to your room for rest of the evening... one.. two..
Siicis jau intensiivi zvetee ar dakshu pa vistas stilbu un rijot dusmu asaras nobreecas: 
- OK, I will eat this FUCKING CHICKEN!!!!!

Saruna ar maati pirms ieshanas uz skolu:

- I will not wear this big, fat jacket.
- You have to. It's -10 today.
- NO, I will NOT!!
- There is no discussion about that. Put your winter jacket on and let's go!
- I will not wear this big, fat, stupid, idiot jacket.
- You have to wear your big, fat, stupid, idiot, jacket - NOW!
- I'm telling you - you'll stay home all weekend while we'll go to skii resort.
- FINE! I will wear this big, fat, stupid, idiot, f.. fu...  (sakopojot visus speekus un drosmi) FUCKING jacket!