zhultsakmenjlauztuves - June 2nd, 2005

About June 2nd, 2005

:: vakardienas guvums ::02:28 pm
zhmiedz te )

:: nu re nu :) ::02:35 pm
You are a Belly Dancer. You are charming inside
out, your life follows an interesting rhythem,
beautiful and smooth, you know how to be the
center of attention when you want to, you love
your friends and you can trust them on your
life. Your ideal man is the one with a sweet
witty character who understands how much
freedom is important to you.

What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla

::::11:58 pm

How do you measure up?
Time you were born:
City you were born in:
Intelligence - 43%
Looks - 79%
Success - 28%
Net Worth $98,251,289.42
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