zhultsakmenjlauztuves - July 1st, 2004

About July 1st, 2004

mazs lapseeninsh03:20 pm
riit atkal uz veeju pilseetu...

veejaa )

piezvaniiju, "parunaajos" ar maziem lapseeniem

taadiem )

mazs lapseens man klausulee teica "hei" un kuukoja kaa dzeguze

liedags )

un man kljuva labaak :)


bet atsities viss krustmaatee

alinsh )

niekojos05:48 pm
Your soul is DARK. You aren't too happy with your life, though you may feel you should be. You're probably solitary, pessimistic, brooding, possibly nocturnal, but mostly a general unknown. You might have a hidden liking for pain and destruction, but you're probably more masochistic that sadistic if that's true.
Those that think they know you tend to place you closer to evil on a scale of good and evil, which might not be true. What people see may not be who you actually are. Some people fear you and others mock you. What isn't really known, though, is that you're not pure evil. You're just a mysterious, misunderstood - and sadly, forsaken - soul.
What Is Your Soul's Trait?

viss labs, kas labi beidzas...11:21 pm
shodienas gruzons galu galaa izshkjiida ne vairaak ne mazaak kaa 1l sidra, patieshaam baudaamaa kompaanijaa Doma laukumaa un speelju automaata dzinkstonjaa...

tik reti kur ejot, ir svariigi, lai taas reizes, kad to daru, ir taa veertas. shameejaa noteikti bija. :)))))

un peechaak pilniigi par velti izklaideejos speelju elliitee - atvinneeju visu, ko ieliku...

un man ir prieks par nu jau gandriiz iestaajushos viikendu!!!
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