zhultsakmenjlauztuves - HA - nu bet protams!!!!!

About HA - nu bet protams!!!!!

Previous Entry HA - nu bet protams!!!!!Dec. 14th, 2004 @ 05:06 pm Next Entry
Dance Horoscope
April 21 - May 21
People born under the sign of Taurus, the Bull, prefer the Polka, belly dancing and the song of love. They possess a broad musical interest and they quickly get into the musical mood with classical opera and folkloric music.
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Date: December 14th, 2004 - 05:12 pm
Apskaties, kāds ir skorpītim :)
Date: December 14th, 2004 - 05:36 pm
attiecīgs :)))

October 24 - November 23

Scorpio, the scorpions, lose all inhibitions when they are allowed to dance the flamenco or the strip tease. They get especially high with heavy metal and they lose themselves entirely over Tina Turner's "What's Love?"
Date: December 14th, 2004 - 05:45 pm
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