- summaaary
- 25.1.03 21:21
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<p [...] ;>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
To summarize, designing good software takes about six steps:
1. Invent some users
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vajadzētu ņemt īstos lietotājus, ja to nav, tad nav arī nekādu faktu, tikai pieredze un radošais gars
2. Figure out the important activities
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ja nav lietotāju, kā var zināt, kas ir svarīgs?
3. Figure out the user model -- how the user will expect to accomplish those activities
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šamanisms .. ja nav lietotāju nevar zināt, kas notiks
4. Sketch out the first draft of the design
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5. Iterate over your design again and again, making it easier and easier until it's well within the capabilities of your imaginary users
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tā var to darīt mūžīgi :)
6. Watch real humans trying to use your software. Note the areas where people have trouble, which probably demonstrate areas where the program model isn't matching the user model.
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aha, here we go .. un tagad parādam to visu īstajiem lietotājiem ..
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klients uz vietas, vai bieža atsauksmu saņemšana,
klients izvēlās prioritātes,
idejas ģenerē visi,
klients nolemj, kad ir pabeigts
klients maksā :))