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[Mar. 21st, 2005|07:24 pm]
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Date:March 21st, 2005 - 11:22 pm
Klau, dari shitaa:
ej uz http://www.dj-hnz.de.vu/ un seko liidzi shiem noraadiijumiem:
- click on "Deep Dance MixXxes"
- then on " The Original DJ Deep Megamix (Yearmix 2004) (GMX)"
- now scroll down and click on "Download - The Original DJ Deep Megamix (Yearmix 2004)"
- a new window opens
- push the button "GMX Media Center starten" in the middle of the page opended.
- now another window opens
- click in the square near "Deep_Dance....."
- now click on "Datei"
- now on "Download"
- another window pops up and the download should start...