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Jauna DC++ versija [Dec. 7th, 2003|10:31 am]
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Domāju, ka vairākums lasītāju ir pazīstami ar terminu Direct Connect. Gadījumā, ja nē – tad ātri paskaidrošu, ka tas ir viens no failu apmaiņas servisiem, kas popularitāti ieguvis salīdzinoši nesen, toties kādu. Latvijā katrs sevi cienošs lietotājs ar kaut ne cik ievērojamu DivX un mp3 kolekciju uzskata par savu pienākumu nošārēt savus „labumus”.
Pēc nelielā ieveda seko vēl nelielāka ziņa – iznākusi Direct Connect populārā klienta DC++ jauna versija ar kārtas numuru 0.305. Sevišķi neiedziļināšos programmas labumos, jo DC++ lieto absolūtais vairums un jaunu versiju uzliks tā vai šitā. Programma novelkama no šejienes.

Lūk change log no izstrādātājiem:
* Fixed disappearing queue items bug
* Fixed displaying of upload compression in progress bar
* Added compression ratio column and %[actualsize] and %[actualsizeshort] to log formats available
* Fixed doubled name when downloading directories from search frame
* Fixed a mem leak for safe transfers
* Fixed a crash during downloads
* Fixed speed problems with user list
* Added "open download directory" to file and tray menu
* Shift-clicking tab will close window (thanks twink)
* Added support for $UserIP, %[ip] as user command parameter and server side ip detection (automatically used
if the ip field in settings is blank)
* Transfer bar colors updated and user-configurable (thanks gargoyle)
* Fixed possibility to share same folder twice (thanks theparaniodone)
* Fixed translations of kick & redirect user
* Fixed missing subdirs when moving directories in the queue
* Really fixed hublist space trimming =)
* Added ".wmv" and ".ogm" as video extensions
* Fixed some issues with same-named fav users
* Fixed small mem leak in fav users
* Max download slots default changed to 3
* Max 3 slots more than max download slots are used for highest priority downloads
* Added option to automatically download filelist and match it on autosearch match. This will dramatically speed up
autosearching, lessening the strain on the hubs as less searches have to be done.
* Added accelerator for filtering in public hubs (thanks gargoyle)
* Fixed some translations (thanks ciber)
* Added "downloaded bytes" to queue (thanks ciber)
* Fixed refresh file list from main menu
* Switched user and filename column in search frame so that the image will be attached to the correct column (thanks
* A few message boxes updated (thanks gargoyle)
* Added supports NoHello, a hub bandwidth easing feature for the hubs that support it
* Fixed a problem with matched list downloads not starting
linkpost comment

Date:December 7th, 2003 - 01:37 pm
shitaada satura raxtu nebiju gaidiijis...

un vakardien veel uzliku 303... :(
Date:December 8th, 2003 - 11:35 am
Jaa, raksts IHMO te neder.
Pietiek ar 34512376 citaam lapaam, kur raksta par katru nakamo kaada softa versiju. Piegriezhas, lasiit vienu un to pashu info visaas lapaas.
[User Picture]
Date:December 8th, 2003 - 12:35 pm
vispār jau es te iemetu, kas mani inčē... labai gerai, mēģināsim ierobežot interešu loku:)
Date:December 10th, 2003 - 03:43 pm
Kugis, nenjem galvaa! :)) Raksti par to, kas tevi interesee, un to lasiis tie, kam tas arii ir interesanti