Amnestija un Objektivitāte (kro)

Atradu vienu vietu. Un tur.. 

trešdien, 19.01.2011 @2:20 pm | Amnestija un Objektivitāte

Atradu vienu vietu. Un tur tirgo grāmatas, pa 60 saņiem gabalā. Paķēru vienu lai būtu ko darīt trolejbusā.

Ian Rankin, hide&seek

A junkie lies dead in an Edinburgh squat - spreadeagledm cross-like on the floor between two burned-down candles, a five-pointed star daubed on the wall above. Just another dead addict, until John Rebus begins to chip away at the indifference, treachery, deceit, and sleaze that lurks behind the cadade of the Edinburgh familiar to the tourists. Only Rebus seems to care about a death wich looks more like murder ever day, about a seductive danger he can almost taste, appealing to the darkest corners of his mind.

(Ņem vērā, ka parasti neviens neizvēlas atbildēt uz pilnīgi anonīmiem komentāriem!)

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