Amnestija un Objektivitāte (kro)

Gun Hoof Shoemaker at Abnormals Gallery 

ceturtdien, 26.08.2010 @1:55 am | Amnestija un Objektivitāte

Abnormals Gallery in Poznan/Poland (of recent Saite NaziSexiMouse notoriety) gears up for their next eccentric assault with SaiteIris Scheiferstein’s upcoming Saitesolo show. The taxidermist cobbler, corpse sculptor and pseudo-erotic photographer promises new work.

Some of her work is art & crafts a la Damien Hirst (meh), but her piece Vegas Girl is tottally Cremaster and striking enough to make Gaga’s shoemaker SaiteNoritaka Tatehana look like a K-mart sales rack stocker. So, here’s the question: Real animal parts, fake toy guns? Step it up, Iris.

Side note: The controversial swastika poster earlier from last month was actually for the Polish gallery’s group show, “Abnormal Nudes” and they have a Saitevideo of bizarre sensualist anthropomorphisms.

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